Thursday, August 9, 2012

Forget the Olympics-I'm Training to Be Texting Champ

 He trained for months, years. His fingers are nimble and his reflexes fast. And now, in this Olympic season, he can call himself a champion yet again. He is 16 year old Austin Weirschke of Wisconsin and he just reclaimed the title of fastest texter in the U.S. National Texting Championship held in Times Square in NYC. His parents must be so proud.
The competition sponsored by LG Electronics tests the skills of speed, accuracy and dexterity through three rounds. First is the challenging texting while blind-folded. Next is texting with hands behind their backs. And of course there is the nail biting final round of "text blitz" where phrases are flashed to the contestants and they must copy them as fast as they can. Wow. These competitors work so hard, risking carpal tunnel syndrome and thumb strain, but in the end it is worth it, Weirschke walked away with $50,000 in prize money. What? That's more money than a gold medal winner in the Olympics would get! Even contestants on Jeopardy who know facts and Latin don't even usually win that much! Where are we going as a nation that texting is what we encourage people to succeed at?
Oh well. He probably will use most of that paying his cell phone bill from all that texting he does. Hopefully he plans on using some for college. I'm sure Harvard will be very impressed with him listing this impressive accomplishment on his application.
As you can see this event is a real exciting competition to watch.

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